FEWP - Federation of European Women Pilots


New Partnership!
We are thrilled to announce the collaboration between FEWP and PPL (IR), two European General Aviation organisations, each started by a group of friends and now operating for 29 years (FEWP) and 30 years (PPL IR).

FEWP and PPL (IR) Collaboration Benefits
• Increased visibility of both organisations in Europe and beyond
• Reciprocal benefits (joint seminars, reciprocal discounts, joint events)
• Knowledge sharing and diversity of thought
• Increased number of members for both organisations
• Joint European (or beyond) flying trips
We would like to say ‘Thank you!’ to PPL (IR) for offering a 50% annual membership discount to FEWP members. For more information please see Home - PPL/IR Europe (pplir.org) Your country representative will provide you with the discount code for this offer.

Membership Benefits
• Seminars
• Web site and Forum with Airfield Notes
• In House Magazine with Helpful Tips
• Assisted Fly Outs with Fun
• Representation on European Bodies
• Advice from Expert Pilots and Engineers
• Advice and help on Aircraft Ownership
• Inspiration to Expand Horizons

Stay tuned as we embark on this journey together, exploring new opportunities.
